Privacy Policy and About Cookies

Privacy Policy & About Cookies

We don't collect store or use cookies. Nor do we collect or store personal information when you visit our website. Unless you volunteer such all we collect are our web site statistics. Other information you may send us by using sign up forms, contact us forms, or via email, is used and stored in accordance with the Laws of England and Wales.
Technical information is received from your browser when you connect to our website. Your browser provides this information so that you may communicate with our host and display pages as intended. While we don't consider this personal, some of this information can be used to identify the device connecting to our servers. This is used for statistical, maintenance, or security purposes. No information of any kind is knowingly sold on, passed on, or used for target marketing.
We monitor connection information to our site and use this for statistical or performance analysis or to improve services. Where spam, port scanning, probing, illegal connection attempts, or other activity deemed to be illicit is noticed we may restrict access or collect information about the connection. This information could be an IP address or other identifier deemed by Law to be personal. Where a criminal activity is detected such information will be collected for presentation to the Crown Prosecution Service or other authorities.
Our website does not contain hidden links to third party web sites. While we do register with search engines, we don't embed tags or SEO script within the pages. Information about visitors to our site is not knowingly volunteered by us.